Have a Question or Looking for Support in the Field?


I love supporting my fellow IBCLCs, prospective IBCLCs, or those looking at joining the field of lactation.

Due to the increase in phone calls, texts and emails that I’m receiving with questions about the field or a general interest in picking my brain, I’ve decided to open up a few slots in my schedule to share my knowledge.

If you have a question or would like to chat, I kindly ask that you take me out for a virtual tea or lunch below.

Let’s Get In Touch

“A Virtual Tea” — $5

Have a question you want answered via email? Buy me a tea below and send your question. I will reply within 48 hours. ($5 for a single question)

Email: elisabethgoebel@ictlactation.com

“Let’s do Lunch” — $45/half-hour

Book a 30 minute or 1 hour virtual consult with me via phone or video chat. We can talk directly about any questions you have!